自动车辆(AVS)必须与异构地理区域的多种人类驱动因素互动。理想情况下,AVS的车队应该共享轨迹数据,以持续地从使用基于云的分布式学习的集体经验来重新列车和改进轨迹预测模型。与此同时,这些机器人应该理想地避免上传原始驱动程序交互数据,以保护专有政策(在与其他公司共享时的见解)或保护驾驶员隐私。联合学习(FL)是一种流行的机制,用于在不泄露私人本地数据的情况下从不同的用户学习来自不同用户的云服务器模型。然而,FL通常不是强大的 - 当用户数据来自高度异构的分布时,它会学习次优模型,这是人机交互的关键标志。在本文中,我们提出了一种小型变种的个性化FL,专门从事强大的机器人学习模型到不同的用户分布。我们的算法在实际用户研究中优于2倍的标准FL基准,我们进行了我们进行的人力操作车辆必须优雅地合并标准Carla和Carlo AV模拟器中的模拟AVS。
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Test-time adaptation (TTA) has attracted significant attention due to its practical properties which enable the adaptation of a pre-trained model to a new domain with only target dataset during the inference stage. Prior works on TTA assume that the target dataset comes from the same distribution and thus constitutes a single homogeneous domain. In practice, however, the target domain can contain multiple homogeneous domains which are sufficiently distinctive from each other and those multiple domains might occur cyclically. Our preliminary investigation shows that domain-specific TTA outperforms vanilla TTA treating compound domain (CD) as a single one. However, domain labels are not available for CD, which makes domain-specific TTA not practicable. To this end, we propose an online clustering algorithm for finding pseudo-domain labels to obtain similar benefits as domain-specific configuration and accumulating knowledge of cyclic domains effectively. Moreover, we observe that there is a significant discrepancy in terms of prediction quality among samples, especially in the CD context. This further motivates us to boost its performance with gradient denoising by considering the image-wise similarity with the source distribution. Overall, the key contribution of our work lies in proposing a highly significant new task compound domain test-time adaptation (CD-TTA) on semantic segmentation as well as providing a strong baseline to facilitate future works to benchmark.
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隐式3D表示的最新进展,即神经辐射场(NERFS),以可区分的方式使准确且具有逼真的3D重建成为可能。这种新的表示可以有效地以一种紧凑的格式传达数百个高分辨率图像的信息,并允许对新观点的逼真综合。在这项工作中,使用NERF的变体称为全体氧,我们为感知任务创建了第一个大规模隐式表示数据集,称为Fustection,该数据集由两个部分组成,这些部分既包含以对象为中心和场景为中心的扫描,用于分类和分段, 。它显示了原始数据集的显着内存压缩率(96.4 \%),同时以统一形式包含2D和3D信息。我们构建了直接作为输入这种隐式格式的分类和分割模型,并提出了一种新颖的增强技术,以避免在图像的背景上过度拟合。代码和数据可在https://postech-cvlab.github.io/perfception中公开获得。
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蒙面的自动编码器是可扩展的视觉学习者,因为Mae \ Cite {He2022masked}的标题表明,视觉中的自我监督学习(SSL)可能会采用与NLP中类似的轨迹。具体而言,具有蒙版预测(例如BERT)的生成借口任务已成为NLP中的事实上的标准SSL实践。相比之下,他们的歧视性对应物(例如对比度学习)掩埋了视力中的生成方法的早期尝试;但是,蒙版图像建模的成功已恢复了屏蔽自动编码器(过去通常被称为DeNosing AutoCoder)。作为在NLP中与Bert弥合差距的一个里程碑,蒙面自动编码器吸引了对SSL在视觉及其他方面的前所未有的关注。这项工作对蒙面自动编码器进行了全面的调查,以洞悉SSL的有希望的方向。作为第一个使用蒙版自动编码器审查SSL的人,这项工作通过讨论其历史发展,最新进度以及对不同应用的影响,重点介绍其在视觉中的应用。
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最近的3D注册方法可以有效处理大规模或部分重叠的点对。然而,尽管具有实用性,但在空间尺度和密度方面与不平衡对匹配。我们提出了一种新颖的3D注册方法,称为uppnet,用于不平衡点对。我们提出了一个层次结构框架,通过逐渐减少搜索空间,可以有效地找到近距离的对应关系。我们的方法预测目标点的子区域可能与查询点重叠。以下超点匹配模块和细粒度的细化模块估计两个点云之间的准确对应关系。此外,我们应用几何约束来完善满足空间兼容性的对应关系。对应性预测是对端到端训练的,我们的方法可以通过单个前向通行率预测适当的刚体转换,并给定点云对。为了验证提出方法的疗效,我们通过增强Kitti LiDAR数据集创建Kitti-UPP数据集。该数据集的实验表明,所提出的方法显着优于最先进的成对点云注册方法,而当目标点云大约为10 $ \ times $ higation时,注册召回率的提高了78%。比查询点云大约比查询点云更密集。
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对于许多3D视觉任务,包括对象检测,分割,注册和3D输入的各种感知任务,这一点是普遍的。然而,由于3D数据的稀疏性和不规则性,定制3D运算符或网络设计一直是3D研究的主要焦点,而参数的网络或参数的功效的大小被忽略了。在这项工作中,我们对空间稀疏3D卷积网络的重量稀疏性进行了第一综合研究,并提出了一种用于语义分割和实例分割的紧凑的权重稀疏和空间稀疏的3D Conver(WS ^ 3-Tromet)。我们采用各种网络修剪策略来查找紧凑的网络,并展示我们的WS ^ 3-TRMYNET在数值较少数量的参数(1/100压缩速率)中实现了最小的性能(2.15%掉落)。最后,我们系统地分析了WS ^ 3-Tromnet的压缩模式,并在我们的压缩网络中显示了有趣的新出现的稀疏模式,以进一步加速推断。
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In this paper, we learn a diffusion model to generate 3D data on a scene-scale. Specifically, our model crafts a 3D scene consisting of multiple objects, while recent diffusion research has focused on a single object. To realize our goal, we represent a scene with discrete class labels, i.e., categorical distribution, to assign multiple objects into semantic categories. Thus, we extend discrete diffusion models to learn scene-scale categorical distributions. In addition, we validate that a latent diffusion model can reduce computation costs for training and deploying. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first to apply discrete and latent diffusion for 3D categorical data on a scene-scale. We further propose to perform semantic scene completion (SSC) by learning a conditional distribution using our diffusion model, where the condition is a partial observation in a sparse point cloud. In experiments, we empirically show that our diffusion models not only generate reasonable scenes, but also perform the scene completion task better than a discriminative model. Our code and models are available at https://github.com/zoomin-lee/scene-scale-diffusion
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With the research directions described in this thesis, we seek to address the critical challenges in designing recommender systems that can understand the dynamics of continuous-time event sequences. We follow a ground-up approach, i.e., first, we address the problems that may arise due to the poor quality of CTES data being fed into a recommender system. Later, we handle the task of designing accurate recommender systems. To improve the quality of the CTES data, we address a fundamental problem of overcoming missing events in temporal sequences. Moreover, to provide accurate sequence modeling frameworks, we design solutions for points-of-interest recommendation, i.e., models that can handle spatial mobility data of users to various POI check-ins and recommend candidate locations for the next check-in. Lastly, we highlight that the capabilities of the proposed models can have applications beyond recommender systems, and we extend their abilities to design solutions for large-scale CTES retrieval and human activity prediction. A significant part of this thesis uses the idea of modeling the underlying distribution of CTES via neural marked temporal point processes (MTPP). Traditional MTPP models are stochastic processes that utilize a fixed formulation to capture the generative mechanism of a sequence of discrete events localized in continuous time. In contrast, neural MTPP combine the underlying ideas from the point process literature with modern deep learning architectures. The ability of deep-learning models as accurate function approximators has led to a significant gain in the predictive prowess of neural MTPP models. In this thesis, we utilize and present several neural network-based enhancements for the current MTPP frameworks for the aforementioned real-world applications.
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In this paper, we consider the inventory management (IM) problem where we need to make replenishment decisions for a large number of stock keeping units (SKUs) to balance their supply and demand. In our setting, the constraint on the shared resources (such as the inventory capacity) couples the otherwise independent control for each SKU. We formulate the problem with this structure as Shared-Resource Stochastic Game (SRSG)and propose an efficient algorithm called Context-aware Decentralized PPO (CD-PPO). Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that CD-PPO can accelerate the learning procedure compared with standard MARL algorithms.
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